Who Wants to Walk a Dog in the Rain?

Rosie was our redbone coonhound. She was a great dog with an awesome personality. Did you ever see the movie "Where the Red Fern Grows?" If you have - then you know exactly the type of dog Rosie became when she was full grown. Getting a dog from the puppy stage to the mountain-lion-fighting and racoon-treeing-champion stage takes a lot of hard work. At times it is discouraging - especially when it's your turn to walk the dog in the pouring rain. I found that Rosie taught me a thing or two on our walks - and one of those lessons relates to writing quality content for your website or blog.

We found Rosie online using PetFinder.com - a woman in the northern part of Delaware runs a dog rescue and grooming business. One of her clients brought his Treeing Walker and Redbone in for a clean and clip - and she asked about the puppies that had recently arrived. The man responded that he would feed the puppies when he remembered to - and the woman was floored! She demanded he bring the remaining pup's to her - and she would fatten them up and put them in good homes.

One of the conditions upon adoption was that Rosie never be turned into a hunting dog - and that we give her plenty of attention and love. I could handle that - I wasn't a big hunter anyhow - and we really just liked the idea of a lazy hound dog on the front porch. Little did I know that hound dog puppies had a lot of energy to burn before they became porch sitting pals.

Which brings us back to a rainy night in cold November when Rosie and I are rounding the corner of yet another block. We had already completed three-fourths of our course when we turned into the wind. The rain pelted my face, blew back my hood, and lifted Rosie's ears into the air. They danced and fell back to her sides - and she carried on sniffing and walking through puddles along the side of the road. Rosie was in heaven! She loved taking walks!

Andy on the other hand didn't always care to put on a holey pair of sneakers, suit up from head to toe in water proof outerwear, and burn thirty minutes of his day wandering around the neighborhood. In fact - the chore of walking Rosie became a four letter word in our home.

Seriously! If you even uttered the word W-A-L-K within earshot she perked up and ran to the door. She wouldn't let up until the deed was done and she'd walked the full route. Because of that little trigger - we let all our guests know - that if they came for a visit, and they say The Word - then they must take Rosie out until she's satisfied.

So how does all this relate to writing stories, a novel, or a blog? I only told you about the time I took Rosie for a walk on a cold, rainy November night. There were lots of rough days and nights when we walked the blocks in our neighborhood. Through snow, wind, ice, heat, humidity, and in both light and dark. Some streets are easy - others are tough with broken sidewalks, or no walks at all. But there are also walks we took that were more than enjoyable - they were a rewarding pleasure! I really enjoy taking a beautiful day and extending the walk to the river. It was fun to watch the boats loading, and the fisherman on the dock, the ducks floating on the river ... and Rosie getting an extra tiring workout!

The same ups and downs apply to you when you write for your stories, novel, or blog. It might seem like a Four Letter Word when you sit down at your computer to write in the morning, or during lunch in the afternoon, or just before you close up the office at night. But to be successful you must continue to add content that your reader will enjoy or find useful. You have to add new content - day and night. Some days you will add three chapters or blog entries. Other days it will be a battle of wills to write a simple sentence or social post letting the world know you are overworked and tired.

The important thing to remember - the lesson Rosie taught me while we took our daily walks - is to take a moment to write every day. Add something small to your project that your reader will enjoy or find useful. Over time you will have a full manuscript or a content rich blog!