Beauty Is In the Eye of Beholder

Who is looking at your author website? And how does your book website look? These are two very important questions to ask when planning to build a new book website - or running an existing blogging website that may need an overhaul.

People are very judgemental. You know the phrase "Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder" means that something or someone is beautiful, depending on the person who is looking. But each of us has our own measure of beauty.

Another phrase that comes to mind is - "Never judge a book by it's cover" - but I always do! I can't help it! Someone in the publisher's marketing department spent sleepless nights pondering and planning to craft a cover that would not only draw my attention - but entice me to buy a book I had never seen before.

Even when you strip away the glossy paper covers and you are left with the hard bound book - the font and color of the title covering the spine is meant to draw your eye. Someone wanted you to pull this book off the shelf before all the others sitting next to it. But of course the phrase still holds truth - I've bought plenty of books with snappy covers that end up being duds!

These popular idioms may be applied to your author website or blog as well. When a visitor does arrive at your book website for the first time - the first impression is critical. In the past, when the web was very young, a webmaster may have only had text on his website. As time passed and technology improved we were able to add simple pictures and more elaborate layouts. Today - you have the options of video, audio, and dynamic content which loads based on any number of pre-programmed triggers. But the quality of the website - deep at it's core, in the content - is what counts.

You must ask yourself first - Who is looking at my author website? If the visitor you have attracted to your book website is repulsed by the initial appearance of your website or blog - they won't stick around to find out what great stories, novels, or blog content you offer. If however, you know your reader well, you can craft a layout and design that appeals to his or her emotions and draw them much deeper into the book website on their first visit. "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder!"

Next, you should ask yourself - How does my author website look? Layout and design are important aspects of your novel website plan - and they will payoff big against a lazy competitor. Much like the competing jacket covers in the local bookstore - you must stand out more than the other books on the shelf.

I like to hunt for great deals - and I really love diving into a bargain bin full of old books all mixed together. There is always a few great finds in the box. But the first thing that grabs my eye - before the story in the book - is the jack cover. Make sure that your book website looks better, loads faster, and retains your visitor's attention longer than your closest competitor. "Don't judge a book by it's cover!" ... but we always do!