Thoughts, Ideas, Influence

When I drive, I think ... The things I think about form into ideas, concepts, perceptions of the world around me. Those ideas change the way I interact with my customers, my friends, and people I meet. The interaction has a direct influence on their lives and the outcomes of those lives. We all run around thinking - turning our ideas into actions - and those actions have clear results.

I am bowled over by the changes our world has seen from the thoughts of individuals. Martin Luther, thought a Bible in every home was a nice idea... Ben Franklin, thought lightning was more than a barn burning problem...

I am amazed at the results from influenced people that have shaped our world. Gutenberg helped Martin get into the homes. Edison put Ben's research to work and now I can read my Bible at night.

This evening - take a moment to think about your thought life, and the ramifications of your influence on the world you live in. And know that "as a man thinketh, so he shall be." I found that somewhere in the Bible (Proverbs 23:7) while I was reading... at night...