Great Hunter's Breakfast

Woke up one morning at 4:25 AM. I told Gordon and Benjamin that I would meet them at the Great Hunter's Breakfast at Pizza King that morning, and that's where I was. They offered to take me out on my first hunting trip.

I already had my friend Matt's gun and tons of gear to wear. Gordon lent me the shells, and it was on family land we went hunting. Once we got to the old Short Farm I was sent off to a stand on one side of the property. I propped myself up and got quiet. I heard you have to very, very quiet...

About 20 minutes into the morning a large buck walked right into the field in front of me. As if nothing were different about his stomping grounds. But there was - a Great Hunter in the tree!

I took aim, clicking the safety off as I lifted the rifle. Looking thru the scope - man, I love technology! - the buck entered my crosshairs. Just yards away was my first deer - ready for the taking. I moved with his body, getting prepared, staying on target ... a branch moved between us. I let off, and waited for another clear shot. Not waiting long - the buck turned his broadside to me AGAIN... just begging to come home for dinner.

Then it happened - I was certain I could handle the recoil, I knew I had the guts to shoot. I took a breath - I squeezed the trigger... and...

C L I C K!

A loud and echoing snap of the bolt slamming into the chamber - and NOT hitting a shell. The buck looked directly at me, his four point rack spread across the hairs of my scope. Oh! The agony... Oh! The embarassment...

He turned, and slowly walked out of the field. I waited to see if there was a misfire, or malfunction. The only malfunction that day, it seems, was with me... I totally forgot to load a shell in the chamber although there were two in the gun. After the event, I climbed down and took a distance reading with Matt's finder. Just 27 yards stood between me and certain Sussex County fame.

Better luck next time...