Bridge the GAP Between Success and Failure

What do internet marketing, direct mail marketing, sales letters, sales presentations, and TV commercials have in common? That's Easy... but I'll tell you in a second.

The tough part is answering the questions I am about to ask you. And only you can answer these Three Key Factors to successfully increase any (and all!) of your marketing and sales efforts. Every single sale I have ever closed - on the internet, through the mail, on the phone, or by using video are based on these Three Key Factors...

The GOAL - First, selfishly ask yourself what Goal you need to reach. Are you focused on the next month, the next quarter, or the next year? Can you set your goal on anything other than monetary, and still move closer to success? You have to tightly define a quantifiable goal in order to even approach a successful campaign.

The ACTION - Second, figure out the fastest action your customer must perform to help you reach your goal. Depending on the goal, your visitor may simply need to enter a Name and Email address. If your goal is more monitarily based - this action may require the visitor to pull out a credit card and complete a transaction. Decide on the fastest path between your visitor and your goal. Then get them to take that action...

The PRESENTATION - Third act! Here's the fun part. You know where you want to be, the Goal. You've decided how the visitor will carry you to your goal, the Action. You now get to craft an environment that is most appealing to your customer. An environment that oozes with the feeling that they should take action! But don't go overboard! This is not the time to knock their socks off with extraneous offers, and clashing messages. Keep it consistent, and focus on the action.

The combination of these Three Key Factors is what I like to call my G-A-P Method. That was easy! What do you mean you're not sure you could do it?

I know you can!