
"You sure you want to go down this route?" Tony walked toward the massive desk in the center of the room. He flicked a switch, and a small flame ignited. The cigar in his left hand lowered into the sputtering fire, glowed, and smoked. He bent and puffed on the stogie until a thick cloud swirled around his head.

"Yes," I said. "This is what I've been working toward. It's what I've always wanted."

"Is that so," he asked without looking in my direction. He walked around to the leather chair behind the desk and pulled it out. He took a seat and leaned far back. The leather creaked and his heels made two small thumps as he rested his feet on the desk.

"Success can be," he paused. Then took another deep drag of his cigar and continued, "An enticing, invigorating, and rewarding destination. Yet it is also an elusive, cold, and lonely mistress."

He would know. Tony had spent a lifetime in pursuit of success. The recent success he enjoyed was, as he said, an elusive mistress.