
"First, let me tell you something about Meredith Harrison. I have it on very good authority that she not only welcomes Darla Kingston to bridge every Thursday. She also caters to Samuel Kingston's cravings every Friday."

And there she was again, the incomparable gossip queen Marsha Freibolt, spinning another yarn so long and twisted it was certain to entangle everyone in town. Marsha had been a gossip all her life. When she was five, Marsha's Kindergarten teacher explained to her parents that it was disruptive to the class. By third grade, the teachers stopped reporting Marsha's storytelling prowess in favor of learning the latest dirt on their coworkers. Somehow, Marsha was always spot-on with her wild claims.

Most people would dismiss the salacious details and hard-to-prove claims Marsha divulged as guesswork. She was observant, that was true. But it could not explain how she knew the Mayor of Greensburg would burn down half of City Hall and the Marvel family hardware store three days before it happened.