Eden Bridge

Cold penetrated her bones. Logic told her the room was chilled to prevent the spread of disease and to reduce strong odors. Her spirit cried out in protest that the cold was far more grave. The sagging skin on her flesh caught the chill and shook. Science stepped in to remind her of the medicine applied to her IV. The chill was her corporeal form's reaction to the sedative. Small goose pimples swelled, stood fine hairs on end, then smoothed away once more. None of her reflexes worked as well as when she was young.

Around her bed stood human forms. She couldn't make out individual faces or recall specific names. But she was certain that each one of them meant something important, even sentimental, to her. This time was reserved to gather for final conversations and to make amends. No one wanted to cross over with unresolved issues lingering in this life. That was a poor way to start a new session.

Snippets of conversations echoed in her mind now, as the medicine swept more of her away. Her transition would be swift. And soon. All the research she completed about the transition led her to be certain this was the right choice. She wanted to be processed. She was intent on going to Heaven. Her will would be done in this, her final act.

"Doctor," a woman's soft voice said, "protocols are complete. Encapsulated recalls are cataloged and accounted for. Personal identification markers registered. Eden Bridge is active."

Hands reached out and touched her frail shoulders. Her hands were squeezed like modeling clay by the firm pressure of apprentice sculptors. Legs, feet, the crown of her head. All these points of sensation flooded her emaciated frame, coursed through her network of nerves, and pushed her forward like a bullet through the barrel of a rifle. Held by her family, she fought for her last breath as the bright light of Heaven came into focus.

In mere seconds she would wake up in the advanced simulation nicknamed 'Heaven.' Forever able to transfer herself to new hosts, transmit herself across star systems, or transcribe replicas of herself for further exploration. With a silent heave, her download across the Eden Bridge network was complete.

The crew of the deep space exploration vessel dispersed.