Hyakumonogatari Kaidankai: 100 Days, 100 Supernatural Stories

Hyakumonogatari kaidankai means 100 tales about the supernatural. In Edo period Japan, 100 people would gather in a room with 100 candles to tell their creepy tales. After each tale, one candle would be blown out. As the room grew darker, the tales grew more ominous. When the last tale was told...

On Day 81 of White Enso's Hyakumonogatari Kaidankai, "Glint of Silver" by A.E. Jackson was published in text and audio formats. Read the story online at White Enso here. You can listen to a reading of the story by Managing Editor Linda Gould on Spreaker.

Starting August 1st 2021, ​Linda A. Gould posted one story each day - until Halloween. On October 31 2021, the final stories will be shared - both read aloud and in text format on the White Enso website. To wrap up the Hyakumonogatari Kaidankai, Linda has planned a Halloween party of sorts - complete with short interviews with a few authors, some scary activities, and much more.

Linda A. Gould is the host of Kaidankai and editor of White Enso. She is an on-again, off-again writer of fiction, non-fiction, science fiction and ghost stories. She can be found on Facebook at Japanese Ghost Stories, and on Twitter as @Ghost Japan and @WhiteEnso

​Linda is a lifelong book-lover who spent many summers as a child high up in the branches of a tree reading. She has a degree in journalism from the University of Delaware and has extensive writing, editing and design experience. She is the founder of the Women's English Writing Group of Japan, writes fantasy and ghost stories, and is the author of The Diamond Tree, a dual-language book.

Thank you so much to fellow Delaware native Linda A. Gould for this opportunity! I hope to contribute to future White Enso projects, and I can't wait for the 2022 Hyakumonogatari Kaidankai.