Twenty-Four-Karat Dip

New Year's Eve and his plan was set to go off without a hitch. The room was decorated with all the classic decorations. Timeless cardboard cutouts of Father Time, and the Crawling New Year Babe. Streamers, balloons, small fireworks, and other noise makers littered the apartment. The dining room table was filled, and overflowing to the kitchen counters, with seasoned meats, vegetables and dips, breads and cakes. There was an entire wall by the fireplace devoted to drinks. And let's not forget the ultimate treat. Velveeta cheese and sausage dip!

He had to get the recipe from his Aunt, and it took almost two weeks to reach her. After a long hunt for all the ingredients, he ran home to prepare the dish for the guests to savor. It was a tradition where he was from, and he hoped Alexa and her friends would approve. On the way home, he stopped to pick up the final touch to that year's celebration. All his plans were coming together.

As the final minutes ticked toward midnight, his nerves became frazzled. He steeled himself with a strong shot from the bar, and a pep talk from his pal R.J. Tonight was the night. Alexa was the one. All the signs were there. It was time to take action!

Joe walked toward where Alexa stood with her friend Veronica. R.J. ran interference and pulled her to one side. Joe hoped they would hit it off too and their foursome could continue for years to come. As he neared Alexa, she turned and made a beeline for the crock pot which held the Velveeta cheese and sausage dip. 'Excellent,' Joe thought, 'She loves the dip. She's going to be perfect. I just know it. Mom will love her. My Aunt will for sure. I hope my sisters like her. She could find work near my hometown. R.J. and Veronica could follow us there soon, and we can pick right up where we left...'

In his mental wanderings, Joe forgot to step over the electrical cord feeding power to the stereo system. He tripped and stumbled forward, bending at the waist, head tilting down toward the floor. His sweat slicked palms popped out of his too tight jean pockets. His arms started pinwheeling as he fell. The diamond ring in his right fist sparkled in the low light of the living room as it flew from his grasp. His eyes flared, and his mouthed opened in silent protest. At the same moment, Alexa lifted the lid of the spiced dip. She squealed and took a step back, the lid still in her hand, as something fell into the crock pot and splashed hot cheese on her cashmere sweater. (God, how Joe loved that sweater!)

Joe hit the floor and the room burst into laughter. Red faced and ashamed, he stood and made light of the incident. Alexa dropped the lid on the counter and fled to the bathroom to clean her sweater. Victoria followed her, and locked the bathroom door as it closed. R.J. came to Joe and said he should give it another go. Joe shrugged, and pulled a large ladle from the counter drawer. He sank the massive spoon deep into the dip. Filled the scoop and brought it back to the surface. The cheese whiz dripped from the ladle and fell with a plop. Joe's dreams of being with Alexa sank like the nuggets of sausage that fell from the ladle. Down into a thick swamp of hopelessness.