Review of Wolf Soldier by James R. Hannibal

A.E. Jackson Review Score: 3 / 5 Ravens
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James R. Hannibal seems to feed on adventure. He is a former fighter and stealth bomber pilot, and the thrills he experienced then imbue the novels he writes now. Wolf Soldier is the first novel in his new Christian fantasy book trilogy from Enclave Publishing.

Tolkien and Lewis would be proud of the way allegorical fantasy is being handled by this capable author. Hannibal’s fantasy weaves deep meaning with fantastic imagery throughout. Readers will find deliberate reference to Biblical scripture as a believable world-building technique in this series. The storytelling encourages readers in their faith and stretches their intellectual belief into something that will be lived out.

As Wolf Soldier begins, the fate of the Dragon Lands is at play.

The Lightraider Order knights all disappeared two generations ago. Now, the Keledan have withdrawn behind their barriers, and the Dragon Lands bordering Tanelethar are overrun with dark oppression. The people are living in disobedience to the Rescuer who freed them long ago.

Connor Enarian, a shepherd boy, and four other young initiates rekindle the fires of the Lightraider Order in the hope of striking out across the mountains into Tanelethar to destroy a portal and stop an impending invasion.

Once in the Dragon Lands, Connor learns that the key to success lies with a missing Lightraider spy and his lifelong companion, a talking silver wolf. Will Connor and his friends find the mystical wolf before the portal grows too large to destroy? Or will a local young woman — or Connor’s own family history — betray their quest?

The dangers and secrets of Tanelethar test both trust and loyalty; to save his homeland, Connor may have to sacrifice his innermost dreams.

Wolf Soldier draws readers into a fantastic environment that was well-planned and full of life. A few moments in his world and readers become adventurers ready to strike out and see more of this rich tapestry. From word choice and tempo to tone and theme - Hannibal’s writing craft is on full display. He is a master writer who handles the story carefully while taking complete control of reader’s emotions. Readers cannot help but get swept away with Connor and his band of young Lightraiders.

While the fantasy genre can be written by many, few master believable dialogue. Hannibal is able to drive the plot forward through conversations that don’t sound contrived or forced. All of the characters in Wolf Soldier are well thought out. They feel real to the reader and will stick with them through the mundane activities of life until they return to the page for more adventure.

The plot of Wolf Soldier is logical and progression swift. The conflict builds naturally toward the ultimate climax. Setbacks are believable and serve the classic Hero’s Journey purpose of teaching and equipping the Hero for the fight ahead. However, the character arc of Connor, the main character, was lacking in some points. Readers may be left wishing for more, but with several characters to juggle, that might be where Hannibal let the mission slip a bit.

From military techno-thrillers and spy stories to the Lightraiders fantasy realm, Hannibal’s work is a bit eclectic. It all boils down to adventure, and the hope readers will see a piece of God's kingdom reflected in his stories.

Former fighter and stealth bomber pilot, James R. Hannibal is no stranger to secrets and adventure. He has been shot at, locked up with surface-to-air missiles, and chased down a winding German road by an armed terrorist. He is a three-time Silver Falchion award-winner for his Section 13 mysteries for kids and a Selah Award winner for his Christian suspense.

James lives in Houston with his beautiful wife and two amazing sons. He is a rare multi-sense synesthete, meaning all of his senses intersect. He sees and feels sounds and smells and hears flashes of light. If he tells you the chocolate cake you offered smells blue and sticky, take it as a compliment.

Read more from James R. Hannibal at and find him on Facebook (@JamesRHannibal), Twitter (@JamesRHannibal), and Instagram (@JamesRHannibal).