Review of Read Me A Nightmare by Angelique Fawns

A.E. Jackson Review Score: 3 / 5 Ravens
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Angelique Fawns showed up as a single result while searching for open markets to submit my uncanny fiction writing. Her wealth of knowledge about the industry is shared with anyone who subscribes to her newsletter. New authors would be doing themselves a disservice to pass on her offer of monthly market summaries and tips on successful submissions.

Her fiction covers a wide range of genres and can be found spread across multiple publications. Most of what I’ve enjoyed by Fawns was limited to the non-fiction writer advice variety. I was thrilled when she agreed to let me review some of her fiction, which can be heard on The "Read Me A Nightmare" podcast.

The New Mutants

The ultimate battle of the bands is well underway when readers join this post-apocalyptic story. The unique twist Fawns delivers is that musicians rule the world after civilizations collapse, but their diverse tastes still drive them apart.

The heartwarming end of this tale shines brighter than the glow of an apocalyptic nuclear explosion! Throughout the story, familiar stereotypes are used in clever ways to hold a mirror up to our most human commonalities. Among the messages shared are the need to love and be loved, and finding one’s community in the midst of differences.

The story is full of beautiful turns of phrases readers familiar with Angelique Fawns have come to love.

"The New Mutants" was written by Angelique Fawns and first published in the anthology Gotta Wear Eclipse Glasses by Third Flatiron Publishing. This story was a Tangent On-Line Recommended Read for 2020.

Invasive Species

OK - I didn’t want this one to end. I could see the short story being expanded into a series, like the successful and popular ‘We’re Alive’ podcast.

Cass isn't your average country girl. She's going to be a film producer. But when her father is murdered, the rain won't stop, and strange bugs appear everywhere, she'll be lucky to even stay alive...

By the time the episode wrapped up, I wanted more story. I had to know if Cass solved the crisis or was able to work out how to live with the bugs.

The slight twist at the end is quite satisfying. This is a quality story well told. If Invasive Species hints at the style of writing and imaginative worlds Fawns is capable of creating, then I want more.

The "Read Me A Nightmare" podcast by Angelique Fawns brings strange short stories to life. Are you a fan of Twilight Zone or Tales from the Crypt? Then subscribe - don’t just sample - this mix of genres, with tales from sci-fi, fantasy, horror, and comedy.

If you are a writer, then stick around after the short story readings for interviews with editors, publishers, voice actors, and other interesting folks in the writing community.

Angelique Fawns began her career as a journalist and speculative fiction writer by writing articles about naked cave dwellers in Tenerife, Canary Islands. She hosted a radio show in Mooloolaba, Australia, and now produces television commercials for Global TV in Toronto. Fawns has a lot of fun writing fiction, but uses her journalism skills to educate authors and promote editors and publishers. She is an invaluable resource to the writer community.

Read more from Angelique Fawns at and find her podcast, Read Me A Nightmare, wherever you listen to podcasts. She is active on social media at Facebook(@amfawns), and Twitter(@angeliquefawns).