Sanity Lost, Life Saved: The Chilling Tale of Miskatonic University's Toughest Mystery

A.E. Jackson Review Score: 3 / 5 Ravens
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Have you ever wanted to jump into the unsettling, uncanny, eerie supernatural otherworldly scenes of an H.P. Lovecraft story? Or perhaps run from the same scenes screaming in terror? Graham Plowman gives you the chance to do either - and both!

Inspired by the world of H.P. Lovecraft (author of The Call of Cthulhu), comes an interactive Gamebook Horror Experience!

Step into New England in 1926, where you locate an artifact among the Misktatonic Library archives. Attempt to solve a 10-year-old murder at an old house sat high on a mysterious hill. This case, you soon learn, is older than time and space. Even mankind’s place in the universe is called into question…

Those looking for a terrifying Lovecraftian Adventure will be rewarded for their search. Plowman provides a unique game system in which your skills overcome challenges faced. You may fight (or flee) unspeakable horrors as you try to hold onto your sanity!

Will you be able to reveal the terrifying truth surrounding Sentinel Hill where others have failed?

This gamebook has been on my wish list since its release and a copy fell into my lap over Christmas holiday. I was thrilled! As a huge fan of H.P. Lovecraft, and an avid interactive fiction hobbyist - this novel was a match made in heaven.

The first play-through was fast and enjoyable. Readers will find they barely have time to grasp the rules and pacing of this strange world before they are torn asunder by some unmentionable nightmare.

The challenge of continuing and trying to solve the mystery at hand left me eager to get back into the story and try my investigation again. Each successive investigation should be a little easier I told myself. Boy, was I ever wrong!

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