
The small fishing boat bobbed up and down in the gentle surf. In the world far below, fish darted to and fro seeking their next meal. And escaped from being one.

Still further below the sun-warmed waters turned chilly as darkness sends tentacles up from the depths. In this mingled region, creatures turned stranger yet. A mouth filled with razor-sharp teeth. A light mounted atop the head on a single antenna. Strange.

Even stranger was the life found in the complete darkness just below these murky mixed waters. In this place, the strange turned grotesque. And deadly. From the mouth of a cavern darted a silent killer. In the mouth of that cavern disappeared the remains of a translucent blind victim.

And the current hurried along, speeding a course for deeper, colder, darker waters. What strange mystery lay below the ink-black fluid? What odd incarnation could even survive there?

Light pierced through the water. We find that something not only survived but thrived. Diving into the trench, riding the subzero current downward, we are swept to the gates of a magnificent city. A city of mermen and mermaids. A city, unseen by the eyes of men. Untouched by the light of the sun.