Endless Adventuring Begins at The Tavern On Gallows Hill

A.E. Jackson Review Score: 4 / 5 Ravens
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Endless adventuring begins at The Tavern On Gallows Hill! HOW did James Hirons pack this much into just 400 references? The gamebook is well worth the investment for those curious to explore another Savage Realms Gamebooks title.

What is the overarching story? There doesn’t seem to be one. Other than the fact that the player is a sword for hire looking for work. And frankly, that’s enough for an adventurous spirit to embark on a journey.

When times are hard, a brave adventurer can find work in all manner of places. The varied patrons of the Red Barrel Tavern in the town of Ishornfeld is no exception. But only the best-hired blades will be considered for the challenging tasks that await... Do YOU fit the bill?

The Tavern On Gallows Hill is James Hirons’ first book as a guest author with Savage Realms Gamebooks. He is also the first guest author for TroyAnthony Schermer’s expanding universe of gamebooks. The volume has received high praise from the publisher and playtesters alike.

The volume is full of rich, immersive writing that is action-oriented and descriptive. Soon after establishing the player’s place in the world, they are presented with so many options!

There are plenty of adventure jump-off points from the Tavern. Readers will want to return to The Tavern On Gallows Hill to see what else is in store for them multiple times.

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