Gamebook Review of Malivor: Cataclysm's Edge by TroyAnthony Schermer

A.E. Jackson Review Score: 3 / 5 Ravens
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Savage Realms Gamebooks returns to the elements which made Balance of Fate: The Legorian Kings Saga so exciting and enjoyable. Malivor Cataclysm’s Edge by TroyAnthony Schermer includes evocative art panels illustrated by Per Gradin.

Tasked with finding a lost family heirloom, you unwittingly stumble upon an ancient evil, whose malevolent plot could very well bring about the complete and utter destruction of your world...

TroyAnthony Schermer returns to the core Savage Realms Gamebooks mechanics, character sheet, and skills/attributes progression found in Balance of Fate. This was a good and welcomed decision. While What Dreams May Come was enjoyable, the departure from the original gamebook mechanics was not as satisfying.

Once again, the large font choice by the publisher makes the gamebook easy to read and play. Readers will flip pages faster than most other interactive novels which helps to give a sense of rapid progression and pacing that matches the pace of the story.

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